A passion for sports and a keen eye for arts, Our RITES Friends welcomes Thando!
What lessons you have learned so far, and how have these lessons helped you achieve your goals?
I have learned that I should be fearless in the pursuit of my dreams. This has allowed me to remain steadfast in achieving my goals and has encouraged me to use failure as a means to get back up and try again.
Do you have a favourite quote or motto that you live by?
I find balance between these two mottos. Carpe Diem and There’s a time for everything (Ecclesiastes 3). These remind me to take charge of my day, remembering that everything has its own time and place.
What advice can you give to help others become the best person they can be?
Advise that I would give to others is that, in whatever you do, it is your own race and as such, you should go at your own pace. There is enough room for everybody to succeed. You should celebrate all the small victories and never sell yourself short.
Do you have any hobbies or interests?
I have a keen interest in physical health, fitness and mental health. I have my own fitness Boot Camp and my own Non-Profit organization that aims to connect
underprivileged young women to psychologists. I also enjoy trying new cuisines and exploring new restaurants as a mystery diner.