Category Archives: The RITE way

Study Hacks – Using the Pomodoro Technique to Get into the FLOW

Ugh… time to study… or do homework… or anything else that simply sounds too boring to invest energy and time into it. When it comes to these tasks, are you constantly procrastinating, telling yourself you’ll do it later or waiting for inspiration to hit before you get started? Or maybe you enjoy your work and…

Table Manners Cheat Sheet

Have you ever been invited to a fancy dinner and with your mouth-watering, been excited to eat… but then had to choose between the five different knives and forks laid on your table? What do you choose?! Where do you start?! When can you start eating already?! Don’t worry, we’ll make table manners and etiquette…

Will my skin get worse before it gets better?

It is far too easy to browse the internet for the latest beauty fads on how to get clear skin… from making your own DIY products at home to researching some bizarre ingredients that you can’t even pronounce; it can be overwhelming, and in some cases, ineffective! There is no miracle treatment for problematic skin,…

Preparing your Skin for your Matric Dance – For the Guys

7 tips for flawless skin: Okay, gents, your matric dance is coming up. Picture this; you’ve got the suit, the shoes, the car, the date, and a variety of unwelcome visitors that have taken residence on your face. Yup, it’s happened to all of us. Yes, we all get embarrassed about it and yes, we…

Preparing your Skin for your Matric Dance

7 tips for flawless skin: Okay, so you’ve spent months preparing for your Big Day. Your matric dance is coming up and you finally get to celebrate! What does this mean – other than the stress of finding a dress or suit, a date… it means that there will be TONS of photographs – and…

The RITE way!

Spots are okay and there definitely is a time and place for medical solutions – but I would love to see kids looking at other solutions first – lifestyle, diet, exercise, hygiene & good thoughts. I assume you saw a gap in the market for a locally developed tween/teen skincare brand? Available teen skincare seems…

Tackling Sensitive Issues: Bullying

What is bullying, and why is ‘being in the know’ about this topic so important? We know that you’ve all heard of it and have probably experienced it during some time of your life. You may even be rolling your eyes at another ‘anti-bullying’ textbook style lecture, but before you yawn and click exit, know…

Why shouldn’t I squeeze?

Freeze! Drop your hands and don’t squeeze! We have all been warned not to pop pimples, but why? First, before you touch your skin (I know it’s tempting!), let’s take a look at what is happening under there. A pimple develops when a pore becomes filled with excess oil, dead skin cells and bacteria. Because…

Why not to use soap on your skin

Did you know that restoring the pH of your skin will help resolve at least half your skin problems? And that one way to throw your pH out of balance is to use soap on your face? To understand why soap is bad for the skin we need to have a quick look at the…

How sugar affects your skin

Having a bad day? Always reaching for that chocolate bar or soda? Did you know that other than all the other benefits of eating consciously and mindfully, balance in your diet can in many ways help out your skin? Yes, that’s right. Cutting down on your sugar intake is a crucial step to acne-free skin,…